Киберспорт - CS:GO – DreamHack Masters Spring - Europe
BIG - CompLexity
Ставка: 651
Киберспорт. CS:GO. DreamHack Masters Spring - Europe.
BIG - Complexity
Complexity played 1 matches against BIG in the past 30 days, they won 1 and lost 0.
Complexity has better form ranking.
Complexity has won 5 out of the last 5 matches.
Complexity is the bookmaker favorite.
Complexity is better ranked. (#23)
BIG has won 4 out of the last 5 matches.
BIG is worse ranked. (#30)
Mirage - picked by Complexity (or BIG).
Dust 2 - picked by BIG (or Complexity).
Train - banned by BIG.
Overpass - banned by Complexity.
Left over - Nuke, Inferno, Vertigo.
Учитывая игру на отдаленных картах и индивидуальную форму игроков команд, можно сделать вывод, что данное противостояние скорее всего задействует все три карты. Но победа в этой игре должна уходить к Complexity.
BIG - Complexity
Complexity played 1 matches against BIG in the past 30 days, they won 1 and lost 0.
Complexity has better form ranking.
Complexity has won 5 out of the last 5 matches.
Complexity is the bookmaker favorite.
Complexity is better ranked. (#23)
BIG has won 4 out of the last 5 matches.
BIG is worse ranked. (#30)
Mirage - picked by Complexity (or BIG).
Dust 2 - picked by BIG (or Complexity).
Train - banned by BIG.
Overpass - banned by Complexity.
Left over - Nuke, Inferno, Vertigo.
Учитывая игру на отдаленных картах и индивидуальную форму игроков команд, можно сделать вывод, что данное противостояние скорее всего задействует все три карты. Но победа в этой игре должна уходить к Complexity.
Прогноз не прошел -1.00
BIG - CompLexity П2 2:1
Итого: ставка - 651; выигрыш - 0(-651)
Итого: ставка - 651; выигрыш - 0(-651)
Комментарии (1)